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How to Turbocharge Your Mobile App’s Conversion Rate

Digital transformation has revolutionized the way people experience commerce. They have various touch points, from physical retail stores to online stores and mobile apps. Mobile applications are no longer just a nice-to-have; they are becoming essential for effective outreach to companies to get an edge on their competition with higher conversion rates. In this article, we’ll explore how proper optimization of your mobile app can boost user intent & motivation — giving you all you need to maximize conversion success!

Why is ecommerce conversion important?

Mobile app conversion is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it directly impacts a business’s bottom line. The more visitors converted into paying customers, the higher the revenue and profit for the business. Ecommerce conversion rate also plays a crucial role in customer satisfaction. A seamless checkout process can help reduce cart abandonment rates, which can improve customer retention and loyalty. Furthermore, it can help businesses collect valuable customer data and insights. This information can be used to improve the customer experience and inform marketing and sales strategies.

The rise of mobile ecommerce

In recent years, there has been a significant shift toward mobile ecommerce. According to a study by Salesforce, mobile commerce now accounts for more than half of all online sales, with smartphones accounting for the majority of these transactions. This trend is expected to continue, with eMarketer predicting that global m-commerce sales will reach $3.5 trillion by 2021. The rise of mobile ecommerce has led to the development of native mobile apps, which offer several advantages over traditional ecommerce websites.

Invest in reliable mobile analytics tools to help with CRO

In order to increase mobile app conversions, one must make sure to invest in reliable mobile analytics tools. These tools allow you to gain insight into user behavior. For example, by analyzing app users’ usage patterns and behavior, businesses can gain insights into their customers’ preferences and needs. They can use this information to improve their marketing efforts and target their messages more effectively or offer personalized recommendations or offers based on a user’s current location. 

It is important to choose a mobile analytics tool compatible with the mobile app’s native architecture, such as Android, iOS, Flutter, Unreal Engine, etc. For example, Google Analytics is a widely used mobile analytics tool. It helps to measure user engagement and track user behavior, allowing you to make informed decisions to improve your mobile application.

Buffer is a well-known mobile analytics tool used by direct-to-consumer companies. Buffer helps to measure user engagement and track user behavior across multiple social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The data collected from Buffer can be used to optimize content display and delivery and better understand how users interact with the content. This information can be used to improve customer experience and increase conversions.

Create an initial hypothesis & run A/B tests

A key step in optimizing mobile app conversion rate is to run A/B tests, one of the popular techniques in improving conversion. . To run an A/B test, we first need to analyze data and then come up with a hypothesis (aka null hypothesis) to explain what could be causing the issue. For example, we look at that data and find new customer signup to be low. You then hypothesize that the user experience or the onboarding process could be clearer. Based on the hypothesis, you create various (one or more) iterations (aka tests) of the signup process to try and prove or disprove your theory.

111Skin, a beauty brand, ran an A/B test to compare the performance of two different versions of their mobile homepage. One version focused on providing customers with a more curated experience, while the other focused on showcasing product information. After comparing the results from both tests, 111Skin determined that the more curated version of their mobile homepage had a higher conversion rate and ultimately used it to optimize.

Increase user intent and motivation

It is also important to determine user goals concerning the mobile application. By doing so, you can create and structure the content (aka videos, blogs, etc.) in a way that helps users achieve their goals. This will improve the user experience and increase their motivation to take action.

Nike creates educational content through tutorials and videos on their mobile application to help users understand the value of their products. Through copy that is both clear and persuasive, Nike is able to grab users’ attention and keep them engaged. Moreover, Nike allows users to set goals and track their progress on the app, which encourages the user to take action and increases their motivation.

Improve your app performance

According to a 2019 study by Portent, faster load times or better-optimized mobile apps lead to improved conversion. To improve the mobile application’s performance, optimize images’ size, enable asynchronous loading and caching, and avoid loading too many resources, such as scripts or CSS files. This will ensure that the mobile application runs smoothly and that the user experience is not compromised.

One example of a D2C brand that utilizes these techniques to improve its app performance is Glossier. They use image optimization, asynchronous loading, caching, and minimal loading of resources to create a smooth and efficient mobile application experience.

Do ethical mobile conversion rate optimization

Finally, Ensuring that the mobile application is optimized ethically is important. This means avoiding dark patterns or pop-ups that may annoy the user. It is also important to study widespread app flows and understand the patterns. This will help to ensure that the mobile application does not confuse or trick users.

Patagonia, an outdoor clothing and equipment retailer, is an example of an ethical mobile conversion optimization brand. They have used mobile-friendly design and features to optimize the user experience and simplify the checkout process. They also offer helpful customer support and have a strict privacy policy that ensures user security and trust.

To sum it up

In conclusion, optimizing mobile app conversions is essential for businesses that rely on mobile applications. Investing in reliable mobile analytics tools to gain insight into user behavior, create hypotheses, and run tests is important. Additionally, increasing user intent and motivation is important by providing educational content and improving the copy used. Finally, ensuring a great onboarding experience, offering a solid UX, and tracking cross-platform performance are essential. By following these steps, businesses can optimize their mobile app conversions and ensure a successful mobile application.

At Apptile, our goal is to empower you to create personalized experiences that showcase your brand in the best possible light irrespective of your business size or budget.

Get started now and create stunning mobile apps in seconds without any coding. Book a demo with our team to see how Apptile can help you transform your business for the mobile era. We would love to hear more about your brand’s mobile app vision and help you bring it to life. Also, follow us to stay ahead of the eCommerce game and join the conversation today!

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